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League City, Texas, United States

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Traci and Chris November 20 2016

Traci was beautiful as she was escorted up the aisle by her father.  The ceremony was gorgeous.  The couple chose Beauty and the beast songs for prelude(The wedding theme). And Chris walked up to a Star Wars song.

 Traci made sure that the ballroom reflected "Beauty and the Beast" with table linens in Royal blue and gold charger plates. We. Put red roses in the tall water vases and Traci brought in some gold candelabras.

 The cake was theme perfect.  It had gold beauty and the beast designs with hidden Mickey Mouse heads on it, but you had to look hard.  The Disney castle on top of the cake was great.

Traci and Chris had their first dance to Can't help falling in love.  She had a recording of herself singing  the song as they danced.  She sings beautiful.

 Everyone had a great time and T and C exited thru sparklers to their new married life together.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Magdalena and Victor November 19 2016

Magda looked lovely as she was escorted up the aisle by her father on Saturday night.
 What a beautiful ceremony under the stars.

Magda and Victor entered into the reception on the balcony and then proceeded to the dance floor for their first dance.

The table linens were eggplant with change chair sashes.  Magda rented our gold charger plates and had eggplant napkins on top of them.
 Very pretty!

 The couples and guests had so much fun that they added more time to stay.  They exited through sparklers.

Best of luck M and V!

Katelyn and Patrick November 18 2016

Katelyn was so excited as she was escorted up the aisle by her father.
She looked very pretty.  Patrick was very nervous and excited as he watched her walk towards him.   The ceremony was very beautiful.

The ballroom looked great with navy table linens, a blush runner, and silver chair sashes.

K &P were the first to have our new lanterns hanging in the ballroom.

They had a good friend sing and play guitar to their first dance.

The cakes looked delicious.  Especially the brownie grooms cake.

 The very nice couple exited through sparklers to their new life together!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Andrea and Daniel November 12 2016

Our beautiful bride, Andrea, was escorted by her dad on Saturday night and presented to her handsome Groom, Daniel.  The ceremony was lovely.  The couple took some great posed pictures on the plaza after their ceremony.  They entered into the reception on the balcony and proceeded to the dance floor for this special dances.

 Andrea chose blush and eggplant linens on her guests tables with a lace table runner on each.  Andrea's dress was a beautiful lace dress and her table runners brought it together for a vintage lace look.

The couple was very excited as they exited to the beginning of their new life together. 
Very sweet couple and very nice guests!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Kayla and Joshua November 5 2016

Kayla was beautiful as was walked up the aisle by her mother and father.  The ceremony under the stars was lovely.  Mentioned in the ceremony was the fact that it was the 40th Anniversary of Layla's grandparents on the very day.   Kayla chose the column drapes for the gazebo and the lighted back drop behind them in the gazebo as well.

 The ballroom was decorated with half of the tables with ivory linens and champagne sashes and half with navy linens and blush sashes.  Kayla had our Centurion vintage centerpieces on the tables containing diamonds and pearls and a floating candle in each. And she had our crystal candelabras as accent pieces on 5 of the tables.

Her cake was very pretty and the groom's cake was a large guitar for josh.

They had their first dance on the dance floor. And josh and his mom surprised everyone with a dance medley of various songs.  They really entertained everyone as they pulled out blow up guitars during one of the  songs !

 The entire group danced and had a great time all night long.

 The  very, very sweet couple exited through sparklers to their new life together.   We wish them all the best in their marriage.